dinsdag 15 maart 2011

In the jungle, the mighty jungle.

Have you guys ever heard of a silent disco? Because that's were me, Kaylee and Simon (A guy from New-Zealand that we met here and hang out with everyday) went to a couple nights ago. We arrived at the sight, and as we expected we heard no music or noise whatsoever, but there was a huge line waiting to get into the property. Upon entry we were given wireless headphones and we saw three DJ's on stages playing. On the headphones was a button with which you could change the channel with to either one of the DJ's and every channel had their own color. There were lights on your headphone which showed to which channel you were listening to. It was so funny! If you put your headphones off, the only things you could hear were foots stamping on a certain beat, people talking and the sea, and the only thing you could see were people dancing to music that you couldn't hear! It was so much fun! I had a great night, and I certainly recommend this to everyone going to Goa.
The day after the silent disco, we took a boat ride with Simon and Anna (Another New-Zealander) into the mangrove forests behind Palolem. The water was aqua blue and super warm if you put your feet in! All around us were huge mangrove plants and everywhere you looked were beautiful birds flying around. We all took some great photos and enjoyed the boat ride. The night after that, Simon and I decided to share this huge King Fish for dinner. It was freshly caught on that same morning and we could see the whole preparing process. It was smoked in Tandoori sauce and tasted delicious! It was perhaps the best fish I've ever had...
Yesterday, I rented a moped again while Kaylee was staying at the beach for a day, and rode out to some waterfalls. The ride took me about one hour and a half to get to the village where the road ended, and I had to ride through dense jungle. After I arrived in the village, everybody looked at me like I was some kind of alien. The village itself was pretty primitive; houses made of bamboo and palm tree leaves, no electricity, etc. It was beautiful though! There was a huge rice field surrounded by palm trees just outside of the village. It was the kind of scene you would only expect to be in Thailand or something. I had to follow a small path along a jungly river and went deeper and deeper into the jungle. I felt a bit nervous since I was by myself, going onto the jungle and the sun was already starting to descend. The path took me into what seemed as the heart of the jungle, and there were huge trees fallen over into the river which I had to climb over. I also had to watch out for snakes, since I nearly stepped on one and discovered that there were quite a few crawling around. After a hike of about half an hour, I arrived at the waterfall and it was magnificent! I took some fast snapshots of it and sat down, but not too long since the sun was going under fast. I quickly hiked back to the moped and drove back to the beach. I had a great, adventerous day. (:
We've been in the south of Goa for lets say five days now, and today we're gonna go to the north. We've liked it so much so far and it's difficult to leave this beautiful place, but we've just got a few things to check out up in the north. So I guess today is goodbye to Patnem and Palolem and hello to North Goa!
P.S. New pictures are on my Facebook!